
Will I have any problems enrolling my child into public school in the future, if I decide to do so?

The thoroughness of your record keeping during your homeschooling years will help school officials determine the best grade placement for your child as well as whether the student will receive credit for homeschool courses. Some schools may require your child to take a placement test. Standardized test scores also assist the process of public or private school enrollment.

At the high school level, Carnegie Units are used for grade placement and graduation. PHA uses Carnegie Unit guidelines when generating transcripts and diplomas. Some schools may require students to take an exam to verify course credits upon entry for grade placement. Check with your local school to see what they require and will accept. Be aware that high schools are not required to accept credits from another school, whether they be private, public or homeschool.

Regardless of the grade level, be prepared to answer questions and provide documentation about your homeschooling methods, materials, and course of study.  As PHA members, parents are ultimately responsible for all aspects of their homeschool. This includes keeping abreast of current public school graduation requirements as well as providing the academic records requested for grade placement in your local school. PHA offers an optional transcript program for grades 9-12 which should be strongly considered by families who wish to transfer their student(s) into public or private school in the future.