
What kind of testing is required for college entrance and when should these tests be taken?

Homeschooled high school students can take the ACT and/or SAT by registering through their respective websites.  Register for the ACT at ACT.  Register for the SAT through the College Board website.  Your student should consider taking the SAT and/or ACT no later than the second semester of his/her junior year and may continue to take the test to try to improve scores until June of the senior year to be eligible for Palmetto Fellows and LIFE scholarships.  Students should use Palmetto Homeschool Association’s code 411699 instead of the generic homeschool code for their high school.

College-bound students can take the PSAT in tenth grade as a practice round. The eleventh grade PSAT score is used to qualify for the National Merit selection.  You will need to find a school willing to let homeschoolers take the PSAT with their students.

How can my student prepare for the PSAT, SAT and ACT?

The key to success is practice. There are numerous practice resources available online.  The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide free SAT practice.  March2Success is an Army funded free online resource to help students prepare for the SAT and ACT tests.